日期及節目:2017/09/05 香港電台 Radio 3 “1 2 3 Show”
主持人: Noreen Mir
受訪者: 盧文健醫師
Symptoms of Tennis Elbow 網球肘的症狀
Q: Is Tennis Elbow really related to playing tennis? What exactly is Tennis Elbow?
A: Tennis Elbow is pain over the outer side of elbow, symptoms would be triggered by holding things, or using of forearm muscle. It can be seen on tennis player, cashier, office worker.
Q: 是否因為打網球以引致網球肘? 網球肘的原因及症狀?
A: 網球肘的症狀是手肘外側疼痛,手握物件時尤甚。網球肘是因為肌肉勞損引致,可見於網球運動員,或收銀員、辦公室文職人員。
Reason for Tennis Elbow 網球肘的原因
Q: We know repetitive motion can cause Tennis Elbow. How can we avoid it?
A: Other than repetitive motion, forearm muscle imbalance can precipitate into tennis elbow. Usually, muscle over the inner side of forearm become tight, while outer side is too weak. Imbalance between inner and outer forearm muscle group can put elbow into unfavourable position. If we also have repetitive motion, it would cause repetive strain to forearm. In long term, it would result in tennis elbow.
Q: 反覆動作可引致網球肘,對於工作重覆動作,那是否無避免這病症?
A: 其實引發網球肘的因素除反覆動作外,前臂的肌力不平衡亦是主因。一般來說,前臂內側肌肉會過於緊張,外側的肌力則過弱。反覆動作加上肌力不足,會加劇肌腿的勞損。所以除改變動作的重覆性外,亦應注重前臂的拉筋及肌力鍛練運動。
TCM approach for Tennis Elbow 中醫網球肘
Q: Is it related to weather condition as well?
A: Weather could be one of the causes, but it is not the main reason for tennis elbow. Usually, pain causes could be multi-factors, including forearm muscle conditions, motion habit, occupation and weather condition. All factors would combine together and affect pain condition.
Q: 氣候因素會否加重症狀?
A: 氣候是會加重網球肘的症狀,但它並不是主因。引發網球肘的症狀是多因素的,例如肌肉不平衡,動作習慣,工作性質及氣候因素。
How to avoid Tennis Elbow 如何避免網球肘
Q: It sounds it is un-avoidable for certain occupation, for example, if you are a chef, you need always using your arm, how can pain be minimised?
A: We encourage people having regular stretching if their works involve repetitive motion. For instance, if people have tennis elbow, they need to have forearm muscle stretching.
Keep our forearm straight and palm face downward, using other hand to push palm futher downward, and it is expected there are tight feeling over forearm extensor, keeping for 10 seconds. It will help forearm muscle relaxation.
We will also ask our patients whether the pain condition related to their occupation, if yes, they could change their working equipment in order to minimise repetitve motion. What is more, they need change of working and exercise habit, practise stretching and strengthening exercises. If they pay attention to all these factors, it would help for their recovery from pain.
Q: 似乎某些工種的人士真的無可避免的患上網球肘,假若你是廚師,應如何的將痛症的程度減至最低?
A: 拉筋能幫助減輕網球肘帶來的不適。以下試範手肘的拉筋動作:把手肘伸直,手掌朝下,用另一手掌把手腕向下屈,手臂伸肌群應有被牽拉感,保持10秒,這有幫放鬆前臂肌肉。如網球肘會因為工作而加重,則病人亦應考慮能否改善工作器具,以減少重覆性的動作對手肘的影嚮。此外,我們亦鼓勵拉筋及肌力鍛練。
Treatment Reasoning 釐定治療方針
Q: Is different stages of pain affecting the treatment decision?
A: Yes, aims of treatment are different according to stages. For example, treatment targets for inflammation, pain and muscle spasm in acute stage, by means of acupuncture, cupping, gentle massage and herbal medicine. Whenever their conditions are better, the next concern would be how to make pain relief effect keeping for long time. Education is important in chronic stage. Exercise and knowledge of avoiding repetitive motion would be taught to patient. Working environment and equipment is reminded for them also.
Ice or Heat Treatment? 應該冷敷還是熱敷?
Q: Are there any contradiction between Chinese Medicine and Physiotheray in treating Tennis Elbow, for example, applying ice for the painful area?
A: Chinese Medicine can still use ice according to the condition of painful area, but they still use warm for the area later. The decision is determined by stage of condition. In acute stage, Chinese Medicine still apply ice to the inflammed area, and they know that too early heat treatment would trigger swelling of the injuried area. While the condition progresses to chronic stage, heat treatment would help for improving circulation, while ice would limit the circulation and thus limiting healing process.
Cupping Therapy for Elbow 手肘拔罐治療
Q: Is it possible to apply cupping for such a small area in elbow?
A: Yes, we can still apply cupping for elbow. For back region, we can apply fire cupping, while elbow area is better to apply vacuum cupping for the ease for application.